Gracia Festival (Festa de Gràcia)

Festival of Gracia

The district of Gràcia only became part of the city of Barcelona about 100 years ago. Today it’s known as a vibrant boheme neighborhood with lots of designer shops, nice little local restaurants and busy nightlife taking place every day in it’s charming little plaças.

Like many Catalan towns and some other districts of Barcelona, Gràcia celebrates it’s annual holiday (Festa Major) in August.
The Festival of Gracia is one of the most astonishing celebrations in Barcelona. For this festa, the residents of Gràcia garnish their streets with eye-catching decorations which they make with their own hands.

Festival of Gracia

Each street has a topic – it could be some movie or a book, wildlife, historical epoch like the Ancient Rome or Middle Age… At the end of the celebration the most beautiful street receives a prize from the jury.

The festival goes on for a week, normally from August 15th to August 21st. During the day, the streets of Gràcia are full of families from all across Barcelona, and the night is a party-time – there are numerous concerts and performances, every street serves drinks and food, and the fun goes on until early morning.

Festa de Gracia

If you’re in Barcelona in August, the Festival of Gracia is definitely not to be missed, and Barcelona Secrets will be glad to help you with that! During the festival’s week, all our city tours may include an extra stop in Gràcia to give you the feel of one of Barcelona’s most memorable celebration.

Find out about other amazing Catalan celebrations ans festvities:

©Barcelona Secrets 2017